ČSOB Asset Management, a.s, Current fund rates

The latest results of the company's funds, Current fund rates ČSOB Asset Management, a.s, number of funds 21.
Mutual funds, all companies

Managed funds Currency Year/week Date Rate Change
NAV in sum
ČSOB Akciový dlouhodobé spotřeby CZK 2024/41 9.10.2024 1900.0900 -0.21% 6.45% 24.50%
ČSOB Akciový trendy (KBC Equity Fund) CZK 2024/41 9.10.2024 2026.2200 0.92% 3.77% 23.08%
ČSOB Flexibilní plán (Optimum fund) CZK 2024/40 2.10.2024 1165.0100 -0.18% 1.77% 16.33%
ČSOB Flexibilní portfolio (Optimum fund) CZK 2024/40 2.10.2024 1140.1500 -0.39% 2.49% 20.69%
ČSOB Premiéra, ČSOB Asset Management, a.s., investiční společnost, otevřený podílový fond CZK 2024/40 4.10.2024 1.1676 0.06% 0.27% 4.98%
KBC Equity Fund Europe CZK CZK 2024/41 9.10.2024 1445.1700 0.47% 1.55% -
KBC Equity Fund New Markets Classic Shares CSOB CZK CZK 2024/41 9.10.2024 1004.1400 -2.06% 6.55% -
Optimum Fund ČSOB Akciove Portfolio Classic Shares CSOB Premium CZK 2024/40 2.10.2024 1711.7400 -0.13% 4.45% 23.28%
Optimum Fund ČSOB Konzervativní Portfolio Classic Shares CSOB Premium CZK 2024/40 2.10.2024 1163.9100 0.05% 0.97% 11.27%
Optimum Fund ČSOB Růstové Portfolio Classic Shares CSOB Premium CZK 2024/40 2.10.2024 1448.5300 -0.06% 3.18% 18.77%
Optimum Fund ČSOB Vyvážené Portfolio Classic Shares CSOB Premium CZK 2024/40 2.10.2024 1324.2600 -0.01% 2.22% 15.55%
Flexible Plan EUR 2024/40 2.10.2024 60.4700 0.07% 2.21% 12.38%
Flexible Portfolio July EUR 2024/40 2.10.2024 1142.9000 0.02% 2.46% 19.46%
KBC Equity Fund Quant Global 1 EUR 2024/41 9.10.2024 11502.7600 0.46% 4.83% 23.12%
KBC Select Immo World Plus EUR 2024/41 9.10.2024 966.2900 -1.13% -1.68% 19.95%
Plato Institutional Index Fund European Equity EUR 2024/41 9.10.2024 234.7000 0.34% 0.91% 17.82%
Plato Institutional Index Fund World EUR 2024/41 9.10.2024 662.8900 0.66% 3.59% 25.71%
Plato Institutional Index Fund Pacific Equity JPY 2024/41 9.10.2024 38096.0000 -0.20% 7.34% 20.56%
Horizon USD Low USD 2024/40 2.10.2024 133.7900 -0.24% 2.03% 14.62%
Plato Institutional Index Fund North American Equity USD 2024/41 9.10.2024 357.4300 0.66% 2.99% 34.34%
Global Partners ČSOB Expertiza vyvážená CZK 2024/11 12.3.2024 1098.1100 -0.37% - 14.16%

Current week 41. year 2024.
Data sources: Investment company ČSOB Asset Management, a.s
Time: Oct. 12, 2024, 9:39 p.m.
London time: Oct. 12, 2024, 9:39 p.m.
NY time: Oct. 12, 2024, 4:39 p.m.
Tokyo time: Oct. 13, 2024, 5:39 a.m.

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